When Calvinists say "But predestination!" (tiny, bare-bones version)
[Here's the tiniest version of my "But predestination!" post. The short version with more memes and quotes and information can be found here , and t he longest version (a series of posts full of many more Calvinist comments, my Calvinist ex-pastor's sermons, and my replies to them, written for my own amusement and for my ex-church) can be found by starting here . But this tiny version includes only the most basic parts you need to know, with a few memes and quotes thrown in to spice it up and prove my points. (I know this could be much tinier, but Calvinism has so many bunny trails, so many interlocking ideas, that it's hard to address one part without addressing more. So this is as comprehensively tiny as I dared to make it.) ] At the heart of Calvinism is predestination and God's sovereignty (among other things, like "total depravity"), which according to Calvinism essentially amounts to: "God preplans and controls everything, even sin ...