When Calvinists say "But predestination!" (sermons)
Calvinism centers around the Calvinist definitions of predestination and God's sovereignty - that God controls everything, even sin and evil and our decisions, and so He pre-picks who goes to heaven and causes them to believe in Him, but everyone else is destined for hell with no chance to believe or be saved (and Jesus never died for them anyway). And if we push back against this - if we say that Jesus died for all people and God offers salvation to all people and that He lets us decide to accept it or reject it - Calvinists go "But God is sovereign and predestination is in the Bible, so you have to believe it!" [Actually, they'll go "Oh, so you're a universalist, thinking everyone will be saved!" Or "Oh, so you think you saved yourself." Or "Oh, so you think you're sovereign and God's not." Or "Oh, so you don't like the idea of God being in control." Or "Oh, so you worship mankind and free-will....