Spiritual Warfare: Satan's Schemes #5 (innocence, naivete)
Okay, let's keep chugging along here on the spiritual warfare study. I had no idea I'd write this much about the times we're vulnerable to Satan's attacks, but next up is... Innocence, naivete Innocence is one of the most endearing qualities someone can have. We love it in babies and young children and the pure of heart. But innocence with naivete can make us especially vulnerable to Satan's deceptions because we're too trusting and too uneducated in the ways of evil to know better. Let's look at the attack Satan launched on someone who was the most innocent and naive of all, to see what we can learn from it. Deception (twisting the truth, God's character, or God's Word) is one of Satan's first (and best) tricks. He used it on Eve in the Garden of Eden. God had forbidden Adam and Eve from eating from one tree out of a whole garden of trees. All the rest were allowed. But Satan cleverly asked Eve "Did God really say, 'You must ...